Statutory Health Insurance (GKV)

The Solidary Health Insurance

In Germany, every citizen is required to have health insurance, with the choice between private and statutory health insurance. The GKV provides fundamental health protection, which has undergone significant consolidation over the past decades: from over 1,800 health insurance funds around fifty years ago to 96 as of January 1, 2023.

Basics of Statutory Health Insurance:

  • Mandatory Insurance: Since 2009, there has been a general obligation to have health insurance in Germany.
  • Contribution Rate: The general contribution rate is 14.6%, plus an average individual additional contribution of 1.7% in 2024. These contributions are shared equally by the employer and the employee.
  • Income-Dependent Contribution: The contribution to the GKV is based on income, with a contribution assessment ceiling of 62,100 euros in 2024.
  • Benefits: The benefits of the GKV are largely identical and are legally defined in the Social Code Book V.

Mandatory Health Insurance – Who Is Covered?

The mandatory health insurance requirement applies to all citizens: students, working professionals, and retirees. In 2021, 73.32 million people were insured under the GKV and 8.7 million under private health insurance (PKV). The GKV’s compulsory contracting ensures that everyone is accepted regardless of age, income, or pre-existing conditions.

We Optimize Your Membership in the GKV

While the majority of benefits in statutory health insurance are identical, as they are defined in the Social Code Book V, there are differences in individual additional services and the additional contribution. We ensure that you become a member of the best health insurance fund for your needs.

Differences Between Private Health Insurance (PKV) and Statutory Health Insurance (GKV):

  • Admission Conditions: While the GKV accepts everyone, pre-existing conditions or high income can influence the terms of insurance with the PKV.
  • Contribution Assessment: GKV contributions are income-dependent, whereas PKV contributions are calculated individually based on the tariff and scope of benefits.
  • Scope of Benefits: The GKV covers basic health services. The PKV offers additional individually selectable supplementary benefits and often faster access to specialists and new treatment methods.

Advantages of Statutory Health Insurance:

  • Family Co-Insurance: In the GKV, family members can be co-insured free of charge under certain conditions.
  • Solidarity Principle: Every insured person receives the same basic benefits regardless of income.
  • Equal Access: Pre-existing conditions do not play a role in admission.

Contribution Calculation and Scope of Benefits

Contributions are calculated based on gross income, with both a minimum and a maximum limit. The benefits of the GKV are largely identical, but some health insurance funds offer additional bonuses, subsidies, or services.


The statutory health insurance in Germany forms the backbone of the healthcare system and provides basic coverage for all citizens. With its income dependency, solidarity principle, and guaranteed basic benefits, it ensures fair and comprehensive health protection. Everyone should assess their needs and circumstances to make the best choice between statutory and private health insurance.

Frequently Asked Questions About Statutory Health Insurance

1. Who is required to have health insurance in Germany?

Answer: In Germany, there is a general health insurance obligation that covers every citizen. Regardless of profession or age, all individuals must have either statutory or private health insurance.

2. How many statutory health insurance funds are there in Germany?

Answer: The number of statutory health insurance funds has decreased over the years. As of January 1, 2023, there are 96 health insurance funds, a significant drop from over 1,800 funds about fifty years ago.

3. How is the contribution to statutory health insurance calculated?

Answer: The general contribution rate is 14.6%, supplemented by an individual additional contribution, which averages 1.7% in 2024. The contribution is income-dependent and is shared equally by the employee and employer.

4. What is the contribution assessment ceiling in the GKV?

Answer: The contribution assessment ceiling is the maximum annual income used to calculate the GKV contribution. In 2024, this ceiling is 62,100 euros.

5. What distinguishes statutory from private health insurance (PKV)?

Answer: The GKV is income-dependent and offers a set catalogue of benefits. The PKV calculates contributions based on individual tariffs and provides extended benefits. In the PKV, contributions vary according to age, health status, and selected tariff.

6. Can family members be co-insured in the GKV?

Answer: Yes, in the GKV, family members can be co-insured free of charge under certain conditions. This applies to spouses and children up to 23 years old, or up to 25 years old if they are in education.

7. How can I cancel and switch statutory health insurance funds?

Answer: Cancellation is done by applying to the new health insurance fund. After a membership of at least 12 months and a notice period of two months, switching is possible.

8. What services are standardly included in the GKV?

Answer: The GKV covers basic health services, including treatments by doctors, in hospitals, preventive and early detection measures, as well as services during pregnancy and childbirth.

9. How does income affect contributions to the GKV?

Answer: Income determines the amount of the contribution. For employees, the contribution is calculated based on gross income up to the contribution assessment ceiling. Self-employed individuals and freelancers pay the full contribution based on their total economic capacity.

10. What additional benefits can individual statutory health insurance funds offer?

Answer: Some health insurance funds offer additional benefits such as professional teeth cleaning, extended cancer screenings, or bonus programs. It is worthwhile to compare the offers and reviews of health insurance funds to find one that best meets individual needs.

We Optimize Your Membership in the GKV

While the majority of benefits in statutory health insurance are identical, as they are defined in the Social Code Book V, there are differences in individual additional services and the additional contribution. We ensure that you become a member of the best health insurance fund for your needs.

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