Clear Overview:

The Necessity of Private Liability Insurance in Germany

In Germany, everyone is legally responsible if they negligently cause damage to someone else. This can quickly lead to high financial burdens and, in the worst case, even threaten one’s own existence. This is precisely why private liability insurance is more than just a recommendation – it is a must for anyone who wants to secure their financial future. Experts agree: among voluntary insurances, private liability insurance is one of the essentials.

What Does Private Liability Insurance Cover?

Private liability insurance protects you from the financial consequences if you accidentally or negligently cause personal injury, property damage, or financial loss. The coverage does not extend to damages you cause intentionally.

Core Areas of Coverage:

  1. Personal Injury: Protection against bodily harm you cause to others, including long-term consequences.
  2. Property Damage: Coverage for damage to others’ property, such as buildings or vehicles.
  3. Financial Loss: Protection against financial losses you cause to others without causing property or personal damage.

When Does the Insurance Pay Out and When Does It Not?

Private liability insurance covers damages caused accidentally, through simple negligence, or gross negligence. Intentional damages or those related to criminal activities are excluded from coverage.

We take care of your private liability insurance.

After you request a quote, your personal Culpeck advisor will contact you with our best options, completely without obligation.

Important Benefits of Private Liability Insurance

When choosing your private liability insurance, you should look for the following benefits:

  1. High Coverage Limits: At least 15 million euros is recommended.
  2. Claims Default Coverage: Protection if the liable party cannot compensate for the damage.
  3. Coverage for Incapable Minors: Protection for damages caused by your children.
  4. Rental Property Damage: Coverage for damage to rental properties and their inventory.
  5. Key Loss: Protection for the loss of private and professional keys.
  6. Good Samaritan Damages: Coverage for damages caused during helpful activities.
  7. Insurance for Borrowed Items: Coverage for damages to items you have borrowed.
  8. Pets: Check if your pets are automatically included.
  9. Extended Coverage: A clause ensuring you always receive the best available benefits on the market.

Additional Insurance for Specific Risks

For certain risks and scenarios, you should consider specialized liability insurance:

  1. Professional Liability Insurance: For civil servants without union or similar coverage.
  2. Animal Owner Liability Insurance: Especially for owners of larger animals like dogs or horses.
  3. Water Damage Liability Insurance: Important if you heat with oil, for example.
  4. Builder’s Liability Insurance: For larger construction projects, especially with high levels of own work.
  5. Landlord Liability Insurance: If you rent out properties or own other real estate.
  6. Drone Liability Insurance: Mandatory for every drone owner in Germany.


A private liability insurance provides essential protection and should be chosen carefully. The low costs relative to the potentially high damage sums make it an indispensable coverage for everyone. Take the time to compare different offers and benefits to find the best protection for your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions About Private Liability Insurance

1. What exactly is private liability insurance?

Answer: Private liability insurance provides financial protection if you accidentally cause personal injury, property damage, or financial loss to third parties. It covers the cost of compensation and offers legal protection if you are wrongly held liable.

2. Is taking out private liability insurance legally required?

Answer: No, taking out private liability insurance is not legally required in Germany, but it is highly recommended due to the comprehensive protection it offers.

3. What damages does private liability insurance cover?

Answer: The insurance typically covers personal injury, property damage, and financial loss that you accidentally cause. Intentionally caused damages are not covered.

4. What is claims default coverage?

Answer: Claims default coverage comes into effect if you are harmed by someone who does not have sufficient insurance coverage and cannot compensate for the damage. Your own liability insurance then covers the damage.

5. Are children covered by private liability insurance?

Answer: Yes, children are usually covered. However, it is important to check whether incapable minors (usually up to the age of seven) are also covered.

6. What happens if I lose the key to my rental apartment?

Answer: If your liability insurance includes a key loss clause, it covers the cost of replacing the locks or locking system.

7. Are pets automatically covered by private liability insurance?

Answer: Small animals such as cats, guinea pigs, or bees are usually covered. For larger animals, especially dogs and horses, you typically need separate animal owner liability insurance.

8. Are there exclusions in private liability insurance?

Answer: Yes, certain damages and situations are excluded. These generally include intentionally caused damages, damages related to criminal activities, and damages arising from professional or commercial activities.

9. What should I consider when choosing my liability insurance?

Answer: Important factors include a sufficiently high coverage amount, the inclusion of specific benefits that meet your needs (such as claims default coverage or protection for incapable minors), and a reasonable price-performance ratio.

10. How is the premium for private liability insurance calculated?

Answer: The premium depends on various factors, including the coverage amount, the scope of benefits, your place of residence, your profession, and individual risk factors such as owning certain animals or engaging in specific hobbies.

We take care of your private liability insurance.

After you request a quote, your personal Culpeck advisor will contact you with our best options, completely without obligation.

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