Clear Overview:

Comprehensive Protection for Your Home

Home contents insurance is an essential safeguard for your home. It provides coverage for all household items, from furniture and clothing to electronic devices. In cases such as house fires or water damage, it covers not only the cost of replacing household items but also expenses for hotel stays, cleanup operations, and the transport and storage of your belongings if necessary.

What Does Home Contents Insurance Cover?

This insurance provides comprehensive protection for your movable property within the apartment and associated outbuildings. This includes, among other things:

  • Furniture and furnishings
  • Books, clothing, and children’s toys
  • Rugs, lamps, and decorative items
  • Dishes, kitchen utensils, and household appliances
  • Computers and other electronic devices
  • Items in the basement or garage, such as tools or lawnmowers

The insurance covers damage from a variety of risks, including fire, lightning, explosion, burglary, storm, hail, water damage, and power surges.

Replacement and Additional Services

After a loss, home contents insurance reimburses the replacement cost for stolen or irreparably damaged household items, allowing you to purchase an equivalent item at today’s prices. It also covers repair costs and, if applicable, depreciation for damaged but still usable items.

We Take Care of Your Home Contents Insurance

Requesting a quote for home contents insurance from us ensures you receive personalized advice from our experienced Culpeck advisors. We offer tailored coverage options to fit your unique needs, providing comprehensive protection for your valuable possessions at competitive rates. Secure your peace of mind and safeguard your home today by reaching out to us for a no-obligation consultation.

Optional Add-Ons and Clauses

In addition to standard protection, many insurers offer optional add-ons:

  • Natural Disaster Insurance: Protects against natural hazards such as heavy rain and flooding. Many providers integrate this protection directly into home contents insurance.
  • Bicycle Clause: Insures bicycles and e-bikes against theft and ensures the payout of the new value with the appropriate insurance extension. It is important to note the contractually agreed deductibles and compensation limits.
  • Glass Insurance: Provides protection for windows, glass-ceramic cooktops, and the glazing of furniture against glass breakage.
  • Special Clauses: For optimal protection, it is advisable to look for clauses such as coverage for damages caused by gross negligence, automatic condition improvements, and best performance guarantees.

Home contents insurance not only offers basic protection but also the possibility to customize the coverage to your needs. With these flexible options, you can live worry-free in your home, knowing that your property is comprehensively protected.


A home contents insurance is an indispensable protection for your personal belongings, providing financial security in the event of damage. It covers a variety of risks such as fire, burglary, and water damage, ensuring that you can replace the value of your household items without financial loss. With the option to expand coverage through optional add-ons, home contents insurance offers a flexible and comprehensive solution to secure your home and valuable possessions, allowing you to live worry-free and protected.

Frequently Asked Questions About Home Contents Insurance

1. What exactly is meant by the term ‘household contents’? Household contents include all movable items in your home. This includes furniture, electrical appliances, clothing, books, and even pet food. Items in adjacent rooms such as basements or garages are also included.

2. What types of damage does home contents insurance cover? Home contents insurance protects against a variety of risks, including fire, lightning, explosion, burglary, storm and hail, water damage, and power surges.

3. How is the sum insured for home contents insurance calculated? The sum insured should correspond to the new value of all household contents. Many experts recommend a flat rate of at least 650 euros per square meter of living space.

4. What does ‘replacement value at new price’ mean? This means that in the event of damage, you will receive the amount needed to purchase the damaged or stolen item new.

5. Are bicycles and e-bikes covered by home contents insurance? Yes, many home contents insurance policies offer a bicycle clause. This means that bicycles and e-bikes are insured up to a certain amount, provided they are secured with a lock.

6. What is natural disaster insurance and is it necessary? Natural disaster insurance protects against damage from natural events such as flooding, earthquakes, or avalanches. Whether it is necessary depends on your location and the associated risks.

7. What should I do if I want to report a claim? In the event of damage, you should report it to your insurance company as soon as possible. Document the damage with photos and keep purchase receipts or repair invoices ready.

8. Are glass breakages covered by home contents insurance? Glass breakage is not automatically included in every home contents insurance policy. For comprehensive protection, you can take out additional glass insurance.

9. What does ‘underinsurance waiver’ mean and how does it affect me? An underinsurance waiver means that the insurance company does not check whether the sum insured actually corresponds to the value of the household contents in the event of a claim. This avoids benefit reductions if your household contents are worth more than the chosen sum insured.

10. What should I consider when choosing home contents insurance? Pay attention to the sum insured, the risks covered, and additional benefits such as natural disaster insurance or a bicycle clause. Also check whether damage caused by gross negligence is covered and whether automatic condition improvements apply.

We Take Care of Your Home Contents Insurance

Requesting a quote for home contents insurance from us ensures you receive personalized advice from our experienced Culpeck advisors. We offer tailored coverage options to fit your unique needs, providing comprehensive protection for your valuable possessions at competitive rates. Secure your peace of mind and safeguard your home today by reaching out to us for a no-obligation consultation.

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